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The Gates of Death -The Ghoul Wars, Book 2

The Ghoul War wages on as the Mers' Florida and Caribbean Regiments resist the encroaching infestation of the Skoúro Énas and defend their nation’s survival. The creatures are becoming harder to fight, and casualties pile up as hope diminishes. Hydra, Phoenix, and their elite team are not enough to forestall the extinction that is slowly seeming inevitable. Although Dr. Bao Song is on the edge of a scientific breakthrough that may change the tide of battle entirely, Lander-Mer relations are strained as fissures open between allies and friends. Can Hawke and Lark bridge the gap between the two people groups before the ocean devolves into chaos? In a fraying world of anger, fear, and betrayal, faith and hearts will be tested as, one by one, everyone learns what it means to be in the looming shadow of The Gates of Death.

This is the second book in The Ghoul Wars series, a continuation of the one-of-a-kind thriller that has pulled story-seekers both young and old into its gloomy depths! Dive in to The Gates of Death and follow the adventures of Hydra, Phoenix, Hawke, and Song -and meet the Ghouls more intimately than you ever have before!



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